What are the Best SEO Strategies to Drive Traffic in 2024?

Businessmen are sitting while SEO is written on the wall - What are the best SEO strategies

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Change is constant, and this reflects too in the ever-changing algorithms of Google regarding SEO strategies. Google issues update to ensure a better experience for its users. Digital marketers must reevaluate the SEO trends to rank better.

Therefore, staying current in your marketing efforts is essential as the best approaches, trends, and practices evolve. However, some proven SEO practices will consistently be implemented as these are fixed.

So, in this article, we’ll focus on the top 18 SEO trends to drive traffic in 2023. SEO experts can follow these super strategies for better engagement on their websites.

The Top 18 SEO Trends to Apply in 2023 to Rank Higher


Providing valuable content and high-quality web pages must be in the strategy of every digital marketer and content creator in 2023. Google has always emphasized these practices, but now its algorithms are strong enough to detect what content follows these standards.

Let’s review these SEO practices to ensure better rankings and generate conversions:

1. A.I. in SEO


The advent of ChatGPT took the world by storm, and now several A.I. apps can generate AI-created content.

But AI-created content tends to be unauthentic, error-ridden, and shallow. Therefore, innovative content by human writers will always have a clear SEO advantage over Artificial Intelligence.

2. Mobile-Friendliness of Your Website


One of the top SEO trends is the mobile-friendliness of your website, which brings more engagement. The number of users using mobile devices to access websites is massive.

So, please take Google mobile-friendly test initially. It will allow you to develop your website according to the demand of mobile users.

3. Core Web Vitals


Core Web Vitals refers to a website’s page loading speed and visual interactivity. Google recently focused on user-friendly features; therefore, core web vitals and Page Speed Insights have become a significant SEO trend.

You can fast your website’s loading speed by ensuring you have compressed images, used C.D.N.s, and avoided heavy WordPress themes.

4. Avoid Duplicate Content


Google has no tolerance policy for duplicate content. So, it would be best to avoid duplicity to rank your web pages on S.E.R.P.s.

Remember that your whole website should be 100 % unique. It includes titles, description tags, categorizations, etc.

5. Long Content


Long-form content helps boost your SEO, bringing more traffic and engagement to your website. Above all, long-format articles make you get more backlinks than short-form ones.

Make sure to include relevant topics in your content to make it bulky. It will hurt the quality of the content.

6. Image Optimization


Images have always played an essential role in SEO strategy, ensuring better rankings for image searches. It also allows us to add additional keywords and semantic terms into our content through the alt text feature.

Always make sure to add high-quality and apt images related to the content. It will help your audience identify with the specific topic discussed on your particular website.

7. Better Focus on User Intent


User intent is also one of the most important SEO trends for 2023. Your content must answer their queries and satisfy them. The role of a content creator is to format content related to their needs.

A better focus on user intent will drive more organic traffic and help build trust with your desired audience.

8. Omnichannel Digital Campaigns


Today, users are on multiple social media platforms all at once. People will only pay attention to your page if you apply an omnichannel strategy by sticking to the branding.

It would help to have a well-defined, united, and streamlined stance in your digital marketing campaigns. It will create a consistent brand image in the mind of the users.

9. Format Videos for Google Search


Nowadays, Videos are the most popular form of content. Therefore, you must embed your videos into your blog posts after optimizing them.

Ensure videos are well-optimized for SEO by adding tags, titles, and descriptions. It will be great as these videos will improve your dwell time and bounce rates.

10. Develop Topical Authority


The users search for answers from experienced experts who know their relevant niche. Here, topical authority becomes crucial.

It will not only help build the trust of your users, but Google will rank your website on the first pages. Thus, it is also an important trend for your SEO campaign 2023.

11. The New’ E’ in E.E.A.T.


Google’s most famous E.A.T. acronym (Expertise, Authority, Trust) has gotten the latest E which means Experience. Google will now consider the creator’s Experience when assessing the quality of content.

For example, if an SEO specialist writes about the latest SEO trends, Google will rank his content because he has first-hand Experience in the niche.

12. SEO Competitor Analysis


Competitor analysis has always been a smart move to build an SEO campaign, and it will get even more convenient in 2023 due to various SEO tools, especially Semrush.

While analyzing competitors, you can find the competitor’s content, Domain Authority, keywords, backlinks, and much more. It will help you see what forms of content will rank in a particular niche.

13. Influencer SEO


Influencers are those people who have a massive number of followers on social media. You can reach a broader audience if an influencer agrees to promote your content.

It will guarantee that your R.O.I. will be huge. Today, 89% of marketers believe influencer marketing is the top strategy.

14. Use Internal Links


Using internal links can attract your users deeper into your website. It will enhance user engagement, which ultimately leads to an increase in S.E.R.P. rankings.

Always use natural anchor text that entices users to click on the next page. And avoid using general anchor texts such as “click here.”

15. Diversify your Backlink Profile


Diversifying your backlink profile means using as many links as possible from various websites. A study by Ahrefs explores that an incredible 90.63 per cent of content fails to get any Google traffic because they have zero referring domains.

To diversify links, try to get links from directories and other resources. Ask the websites that are naturally suitable to your brand to link to you or vice versa. Moreover, get the backlinks through competitor’s analysis to target those websites and link back to you.

16. Avoid Keyword Stuffing


Instead of stuffing your content with keywords, use them judiciously. Keyword stuffing results in your page getting flagged as spammy by the crawl bots of Google. Thus, it leaves a negative impact on ranking.

Aim for 0.5-2.5% of keyword density to avoid it. It applies to both the focused keyword and keywords on the topic.

17. Avoid Keyword Cannibalization


Keywords cannibalization happens when two or more site pages focus on the same primary keyword. To avoid it, you should generate a more extensive post that covers both titles as H2. It is called pillar content.

Use long-tail keywords in place of general terms. It would help if you also focused on complete research on relevant keywords related to your brand. These SEO techniques will help you avoid keyword cannibalization.

18. Avoid Spammy Link Building


Indeed, backlinks are still a prime ranking factor for Google, but the quality of those backlinks is now more crucial than ever. According to the algorithm update released in 2021, Google devalues terrible links.

To eliminate spammy backlinks, you must run an audit to determine what backlink your site receives. Contact the website owner and ask him to remove undesirable links.

Final Thoughts


One thing remains constant regarding Google’s SEO: producing relevant, original, high-quality content. The proclamation is faithful “Content is King.”

But these proven strategies and the latest trends discussed above will help you rank higher on the S.E.R.P. If you need clarification regarding SEO practices, please get in touch with us.

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